Multi-stakeholder partnerships work to implement the 2030 Agenda and the so-called “5Ps”: people, prosperity, planet, peace and partnership. MSPs that target the category “people” work on a variety of issues. For example, GAVI – the Immunization Alliance achieved to immunize more than 440 million children since 2000. Most MSPs work towards prosperity, while others aim to protect the planet. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), for example, helped to preserve more than 179 million hectares of forest (roughly the area of Mexico). MSPs currently work to achieve peace, e.g. The Alliance for Integrity that fights corruption in eleven countries. MSPs also contribute to building partnerships to implement the 2030 Agenda, including the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), which mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from more than 650 institutions worldwide..

Multi-stakeholder partnerships with German involvement, categorized according to the “5Ps”

32 people
22 prosperity
21 planet
2 peace
3 partnership

More about MSPs

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MSP Examples

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Actors in MSPs

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