As head of the Partnerships2030 Platform Susanne Salz is your focal point when it comes to overarching issues, questions and suggestions concerning MSPs.
“We need to be grateful for what we have but dissatisfied with the status quo.” – Sheryl Sandberg
Book – Author
Reinventing Organizations
Frederic Laloux
Rowing, Reading, Travelling.
German, English, French
Jana Borkenhagen
Jana Borkenhagen advises MSP in both the German and international context.
In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction“ – Audre Lorde
Book – Author
Why we matter. Das Ende der Unterdrückung
Emilia Roig
Riding fixie bike, taking pictures, making jewelry.
German, English, French
Mona-Lisa Limbach
Mona-Lisa Limbach advises MSP in both the German and international context.
“Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away“ – Frida Kahlo
Book – Author
Stephen King
Painting, Reading, Nature.
German, English
John Contenius
John Contenius advises MSP in both the German and international context.
“It’s never too early for ice cream” – Michael Scott
Within the Framework of Partnerships2030, Engagement Global – bengo provides advice and support for civil society organizations wanting to apply for funding for multi-stakeholder partnership projects.
As with the main funding program under the budget line for private providers, German civil society organizations that have relevant experience and are keen to work with stakeholders and organizations from a range of sectors (government, academia, industry, etc.) on addressing a major development problem are eligible to apply for support from bengo. Within a multi-stakeholder partnership, only the civil society component may be funded or developed as a practical project under the private provider budget line.
Bengo provides expert advice and support for civil society applicants, from project development to submission of an application for a multi-stakeholder partnership.