The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative  (EITI) is a global Standard to promote the open and accountable management of natural resources. The partnership supports EITI implementation in Germany (D-EITI) and thus promotes dialogue and transparency in the German raw materials sector.

Key Facts The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Germany

Activ in

  • Deutschland

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

What is D-EITI doing to achieve its goal?

  • A Secretariat and multi-stakeholder group (MSG), comprising representatives of the government, the private sector and civil society, have been set up to implement EITI in Germany.
  • The multi-stakeholder group produces a yearly EITI report containing information about the German raw materials sector and the key financial flows between the state and businesses.
  • The report achieves a unique level of data transparency in the raw materials sector and thus establishes the basis for more accountability.
  • In terms of implementation, it is important to inform the general public about D-EITI and initiate a wide-ranging debate on raw materials. The initiative therefore undertakes a range of communications and public relations activities.
  • At the international level, the partnership supports an exchange of experience with other EITI countries and works for the continued development and diffusion of EITI.

How does D-EITI work together in partnership to achieve its goal?

The project supports governance of the German EITI process by a multi-stakeholder group. The MSG is chaired by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The Parliamentary State Secretary to the BMWK, Dr Franziska Brantner, acts as the Federal Government’s special representative for the implementation of the international Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Germany (D-EITI) and guarantees the necessary resources and political support. Decisions are made by consensus.

How is D-EITI financed?

BMWK has commissioned the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to manage the D-EITI Secretariat.


DEITI: Multi-Akteurs-Partnerschaften (MAP) für Deutschland
THE EITI Standard 2019
DEITI Bericht für 2018