The goal of the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) is to significantly increase the proportion of sustainable palm oil, palm kernel oil and palm oil derivatives in the German market as fast as possible and to improve existing standards and certification schemes.

Activ in
- Germany
PartnerWhat is FONAP doing to achieve its goal?
To promote sustainable palm oil cultivation in the countries of origin, the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) is taking the concrete steps listed below, among others.
- All members made a public commitment to use 100% certified palm oil in their products and are already implementing this goal.
- The ambitious voluntary commitment is assessed annually based on an established monitoring and review system, and results are communicated transparently.
- Development of proposals to enhance and improve existing certification systems.
- The certification systems recognised by FONAP do not yet meet all the desired standards. Therefore, FONAP members voluntarily defined add-on criteria.
- Networking with other national initiatives, interested companies and non-governmental organisations worldwide.
- Increasing transparency as to which certified products, derivatives and fractions are already available in segregated quality.
- Organisation of various events, ranging from general assemblies and international dialogues along the palm oil supply chain open to the general public, to webinars and assemblies exclusively for members.
- Informing the public about certified palm (kernel) oil and current developments of the palm oil market, for example by regularly publishing the globally unique analysis of the palm oil sector in Germany.
- Informing the public about certified palm (kernel) oil and current developments of the palm oil market, for example by regularly publishing the globally unique analysis of the palm oil sector in Germany.
- Since 2018, FONAP members have been actively committed to their smallholder project in Malaysia and make a tangible contribution towards improving the environmental and social sustainability of palm oil production.
How does FONAP work together in partnership to achieve its goal?
The Forum’s activities are managed and coordinated by the member’s General Assembly and the Steering Committee. The current Steering Committee was elected at the General Assembly in October 2019 and is composed of representatives from industry, non-governmental organisations, an association and the German government (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture [BMEL] and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development [BMZ]).
Companies join FONAP to jointly address challenges such as human rights due diligence and certification issues. Various opportunities exist for FONAP members to get involved. These include exchanges at professional events, participation in working groups, or supporting sustainable cultivation as part of the smallholder project in Malaysia.
How is FONAP financed?
The Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) was established in September 2013 and has been a registered association since November 2015. GIZ was commissioned by the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR), acting on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) with additional funding provided by membership fees, to host the Secretariat.