MSP in practice

Partnering is no simple task. However, certain complex development issues today demand a collaborative effort to achieve sustainable solutions. In an interview with two partnership brokers, Bas Gadiot (Crosswise works) and Herman Brouwer (Wageningen University & Research-CDI), the PPPLab highlights some essential elements for effective partnering. Issues addressed are, for example, when should you consider partnering and what you need to do in preparation. Or how do you measure partnership performance within the first year – a time in which:

“many partnerships will not perform well on “ends” metrics such as financial or impact performance. The reason is that in large PPPs there are often at this point in time very few results to be shown since the first year is mainly about partnership building and kick-starting the project.”

Closely linked with the performance of a partnership is learning from experiences, a task which is often underestimated. While integrated learning does not guarantee a partnership’s success, a lack of it will certainly be detrimental. This learning and the whole process of partnering itself can be supported through tools and brokers – resources which are further addressed within the article. Read more here.

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