Questions about setting up an MSP? Need advice on a governance structure? Unsure how to deal with a conflict between members?

The Partnerships2030 team is here to support you in these questions.

For this, you can contact us at any time with a direct appointment request to discuss more specific questions. Or you sign up for one of the upcoming consultation slots:

Every Tuesday: 13:30-14:00 pm CET

Every Friday: 10-10:30 am CET

Please send us an email at at least one day in advance.

Alternatively, Partnerships2030 has launched a self-paced interactive online training on MSPs. It consists of four modules with audio, continually guiding you from the fundamentals towards a deeper understanding of MSPs. In about 60 to 70 minutes, you will learn how MSPs work and what it takes to build them up successfully. The training is available in English, German, French and Spanish for free on the atingi platform.

Course: Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Make them work for you. | atingi 

Kurs: Multi-Akteurs-Partnerschaften: Wie sie erfolgreich werden | atingi  

Curso: Cooperaciones de múltiples actores: Cómo consiguen el éxito | atingi 

Cours : Partenariats multipartites : Faites en sorte qu’ils fonctionnent pour vous | atingi 

You can find more information about our services here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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