On World Teachers Day, we want to highlight the efforts of an MSP that contributes to the achievement of SDG 4 “Quality Education” with its activities. For example, the project Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is helping over 69,000 students to become qualified and certified teachers in order to counteract the learning loss caused by the closure of schools due to the corona pandemic in Nigeria. The so-called “Emergency Teacher Upgrading Program” is supported and implemented by the GPE together with the National Teachers‘ Institute, UNICEF and the Nigerian Ministry of Education.
Also in other projects, the GPE boosts SDG 4. Another example is the Quality Basic Education for Human Capital Development (QBE) project which raised $130 million of which nearly $30 million came from GPE. Thus, efforts by the Rwandan government to improve teacher competence and student retention are supported. For three years, the initiative has been successful in terms of access to school education and improved teaching and learning conditions. By the means of innovative audiovisual programs and learning materials, learning losses caused by the corona pandemic are to be compensated.
Also, the Nigeria Learning Passport (NLP) will be issued by the end of 2023. It enables 10,000 learners and teachers in Nigeria to learn outside school. Here, the GPE provides financial support. The Learning Passport offers prospect teachers the opportunity to access high-quality educational resources and guides as well as digitalized modules for their teaching. In this way, children of school age who do not have direct access to education and schools can be supported. Further information on SDG 4 can also be found in our factsheet.