Transitioning to sustainable urban mobility is imperative to decarbonize transport, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and build urban transport systems that are economically sound, environmentally friendly, and socially inclusive.

Key Facts MobiliseYourCity Partnership

Aktiv in

  • Äthiopien
  • Brasilien
  • Dominikanische Republik
  • Indien
  • Kamerun
  • Madagaskar
  • Marokko
  • Phillippinen
  • Senegal
  • Togo
  • Tunesien
  • Ukraine

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG)

MobiliseYourCity has developed a partnership of committed stakeholders as well as methodologies and scalable solutions to support cities and countries in their transition towards sustainable urban mobility.

What is MobiliseYourCity doing to achieve its goal?

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership works globally to generate knowledge, scale solutions and mobilise financial resources for sustainable mobility. Our partnership supports member cities and countries through four main service areas:

• Mobility planning

We support our member cities and countries to shift from road-centric transport planning to mobility planning that focuses on meeting the needs of all people while balancing the needs of our planet through implementation ready mobility plans and finance ready projects – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) for cities and National Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programmes (NUMPs) for countries.

• Implementation support

We offer targeted implementation support to bridge the implementation gap for small-scale and critical measures that is due to low local capacities to allocate finance and, generally, too small amounts to attract external financiers. We focus on three areas: walking and cycling, paratransit, and policy and regulatory reforms.

• Capacity building

MobiliseYourCity equips practitioners with tested and scalable solutions. Together with our partners, we develop tailored methodologies and tools for our focus areas and scale our training offer to mobility professionals through strategic partnerships. We enhance our digital platform for trainings, exchange and knowledge dissemination.

• Advocacy

We advocate for a change in how cities and countries approach mobility by using the enable-avoid-shift-and-improve model (EASI), which puts people’s need for connection and access at the forefront of mobility planning, and for more resources to support this transition.

How does MobiliseYourCity work together in partnership to achieve its goal?

Since being launched in December 2015 at COP21, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has become the leading global Partnership for sustainable urban mobility planning, policy development, and increasing investment for sustainable transport in developing and emerging economies. Our Implementing Organizations, primarily the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), are working with cities and countries across the world to develop scalable solutions to improve mobility in complex environments.

Today, the Partnership has more than 69 member cities with a combined population of over 126 million people in 32 countries. Our Implementing Partners are supporting 31 cities and 9 countries in preparing SUMPs and NUMPs, respectively. Thanks to the generous contributions of the European Union (EU), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition (MTE), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU), and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), as of February 2023, the Partnership has raised 40.7 million euros in grants to support 38 member cities and 8 member countries, 4 non-member countries and 6 non-member cities with technical assistance and project preparation, which has already mobilised additional loans for concrete sustainable urban mobility projects.