The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles celebrated its 10th anniversary. At the anniversary celebration in November 2024, representatives of the Federal German Government, business, civil society, trade unions, standard organisations and producing countries took a joint look at successes achieved and future challenges. 

As a multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP), the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles brings together companies, associations, non-governmental organisations, standards organisations, trade unions and the Federal German Government. The members of the initiative are jointly committed to a social, ecological and corruption-free textile and clothing industry that respects the rights of all employees, protects the climate and the environment and acts with integrity. 

 Looking back over the last ten years, the Partnership has achieved significant successes. Milestones achieved include supporting over 12,000 smallholder farmers on their way to converting to organic cotton and improving working and production conditions in more than 820 suppliers. Progress like this shows: The multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP) method has proven its worth in international cooperation. After all, strong alliances in which actors from different sectors are committed to common goals can bring sustainable changes to cross-sectoral problems. 

The initiative is therefore looking ambitiously to the future and formulating new visions and ideas. One area in which the members see a concrete need for action is the greater involvement of rights holders. To this end, Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze (BMZ) signed the declaration of intent “Strengthening local trade unions and local NGOs as legitimate representatives of rights holders” together with Partnership members and partners. The declaration recognises trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in production countries as key partners in the fight for fair, transparent and resilient supply chains. In the future, the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles intends to strengthen the role of trade unions and NGOs in production countries through various measures in order to make the interests and perspectives of rights holders and workers heard. 

Further information on the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles can be found here.  

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