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Following on the 2019 Political Declaration of the SDG Summit, which stated that “rapid change is possible … if we embrace transformation and accelerate implementation,” the authors are seeing opportunities for governments, businesses, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to come together and collectively transform global economic systems. This report focuses on multi-stakeholder-partnerships with such transformation ambitions and examines how partnerships can maximize their effectiveness in accelerating progress on the SDGs.

The findings and recommendations presented in this report reflect nearly two years of research; interviews with 41 multi-stakeholder-partnerships and over three dozen government experts, business sustainability leaders, and civil society leaders.

This report starts with the premise that partnerships can accelerate transformative SDG action, and much of the content presented here studies partnership formation and effectiveness. Throughout this report, dozens of mission-driven partnerships—both those surveyed and beyond—working on issues such as improving health outcomes, reducing global poverty and hunger, and advancing clean energy and water are presented.

The findings and recommendations in this report offer practical and valuable guidance for governments, businesses, and CSOs.

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