
This checklist is intended to help you assess the development status of your multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP). You can evaluate major milestones and developments based on the typical MSP phases and establish whether the respective phase has been completed or what might still need to be developed or strengthened.

The checklist provides you with an overview and helps you get to grips with the self-assessment. While using it, you may discover other areas that you wish to address in more detail. In such cases, you can amend the checklist independently or utilise process support to this end.

You can complete the checklist by yourself – as an MSP stakeholder, a member of the secretariat team or even a supporter. The results provide a solid foundation for planning further steps and activities.

However, you can also use the tool as the basis for reflection and planning within a group – whether that be the secretariat team and/or the (core) group of stakeholders. You’ll find a proposal on how to proceed here.

Differences in how the results achieved to date are perceived and assessed are also likely to become apparent within a group setting. It may therefore be advisable in individual cases to bring in an external party to help with working through the checklist and consulting. The

Partnerships2030 team and experienced facilitators can assist with this.

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