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The aim of this Guidebook is to convey the magic of how MSPs at country level can deliver extraordinary results towards the SDGs and provide clear guidance on how to build the most effective collaborations.

The Guidebook sets out the key Building Blocks of successful partnerships and the underlying processes necessary to develop and keep those Building Blocks in place and to maximize partnership impact. Along with frameworks to help organizations understand, identify and select the most appropriate forms of collaboration, the Guidebook includes a series of tools that support organizations through each step of partnership development and management. It also provides guidance on the more in-depth, trickier, but essential, partnering aspects of working across different organizational cultures.  

The more knowledge the relevant individuals have of the process of partnering, the faster a robust partnership can be developed. This guidebook brings together the best of the experience of TPI and its partners from more than seventeen years of working in multiple regions and contexts, with all societal stakeholders, and with all kinds of partnership.  

Of course, all contexts are different and all partnerships are unique. You will need to adjust and adapt what you read here to your own situation. 

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