
The UN has issued its ‘final warning’ on climate at a time that progress on many of the SDGs has stalled or even be reversed by Covid.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) have a hugely important role in sustainable development. By aligning interests and combining public, private and people resources and levers for change, they are uniquely placed to find innovative solutions, engage locally, challenge entrenched power, and drive a transformation towards a prosperous economy, thriving society and healthy environment. Yet, critically, MSPs are not happening at anything like the scale required.

The study explores the enabling environment for partnership – what’s holding back greater collaboration and what needs to happen to unleash partnerships.

The study is informed by a global survey, interviews, in-person and online roundtables and the academic literature. Focussing on seven key enabling factors, it looks at the current state and identifies the necessary actions and investments governments, partnerships, funders, organisations of all kinds need to take to ignite a new, systematic wave of transformational collaboration.

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