As side event at the UN ECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, an exchange on strengthening partnership approaches will take place on March 27, 2023, from 15:30-17:00 (CET).

The side event, organized by Partnerships2030, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)The Partnering Initiative and The Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies aims to discuss central questions of partnership-based collaboration and is part of a joint campaign which was launched within the framework of the ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2023.

During the event, collected findings, experiences and successful examples for multi-stakeholder partnerships from the UNECE region will be highlighted and discussed with participants. Together, the question of what role partnerships in the UN ECE region can play in strengthening SDG implementation globally will be explored. The event aims at raising awareness of partnership enabling factors, stimulating measures to build up these factors and gathering insights and experiences from various sectors and stakeholders.

Interested individuals can register here to be part of the event.

The campaign

This year, Partnerships2030 started a campaign together with the 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator, an initiative by UN DESA, and with The Partnering Initiative as well as with the Global Forum on National SDG Advisory Bodies which aims at a) gathering learning experiences from different stakeholders and from different regions and raising awareness of the importance of partnerships and b) identifying partnership enabling factors to strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships worldwide, to make them more efficient and to better support them.

The campaign comprises a set of events for different target groups and stakeholders. The take-aways of the events will then be incorporated into a study on partnerships, their enabling factors, challenges and opportunities which will be presented in a Partnership Symposium to be held on the margins of the SDG summit in September.

More information on the campaign can be found here.

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